Apex Designs

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(c) Apex Designs 1999

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"Give these people some support!" Amiga Format

t h e
Apex Designs
w e b    s i t e

Apex Designs is a software house dedicated to writing high-quality software. We have been writing games since 1994, and have been releasing them on the Internet since 1996. Previous titles include:

  • Frontal Assault - Public domain. The game that Amiga Format thinks is "excellent fun." And they're not the only ones who say that.
  • 6-Tris - Public domain. This game is "rather tremendous" according to Amiga Format, and many other gamers.
  • Fire Power - Public domain. Capture the flag for the nineties.

Future titles:

  • Payback - Our first commercial game. Gangster warfare with attitude and killer explosions.

"Y2K? It could be worse; we could be trying to fix it without computers."